Monday, September 8, 2014

Not Of This World-I am His

When God called me to follow Him, He didn't tell me it so I would be perfect, but so that I would be different and not look like the world-I would be His.
When God called me to trust Him, He didn't tell me to because everything would be easy or without difficulty, but because it would be hard and difficult-but He would be glorified and I would be okay.
When God called me to be pure until my wedding, He didn't tell me it was the only way, but that it was the better way-the way He designed it to be.
When God called me to pursue being a stay-at-home mother for my future, He didn't say I'd marry a millionaire, but that if I trusted and obeyed Him-I'd see Him provide beyond my own idea's.
When God called me to speak about purity, modesty, homeschooling, home birth, Moms staying at home, He didn't tell me I would be well-liked, but rather I would be someone who didn't enable, who didn't give up, who didn't fall into the worlds temptations of money and power and pride. He told me I would be different-I would be His.

He is the only approval I need. He is above it all. He is in control. He is God. Not human. I'm glad for Him not being like me, and I am glad He calls me to hard things...and appointed me to His service.

I speak and write for God, not to make people feel good. He said it would be hard, why should speaking and hearing stroke our ego?

TRUTH = HIS and only His.

God is a jealous God.

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