Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Everything Is Awesome!!!! (Courtship Edition)

My story is something I would consider pretty simple. Ever since I was a little girl I knew God had called me to be a wife and a mother. I had a few other dreams like being a writer and secretary but nothing ever was as important to me as honoring God through a marriage and raising little human beings to love the Lord.

This past year and a half I can honestly say has been THE BEST. I have been in courtship with my best friend. We have been getting to know each other, tackling difficult stuff, and talking and sharing every detail of our lives with each other. When we started courting, we had a vision in mind but neither of us, or even our parents, really knew exactly what God had planned or how it was going to go. Our biggest goal was just to grow, closer to God and closer to each other.

I can remember on our first date. I was so comfortable with Matt, not only did I feel like I could trust him, but I also felt like I could be myself, I felt completely accepted by him. There was no need to pretend we were perfect to each other. After dinner we got coffee and talked for like 2 hours. We shared our testimonies with each other, and also a little bit of the struggles we had. We both shared in a passion for purity and a passion to share Jesus with everyone.

All throughout our courtship we made time pretty much every week to spend time with each others families. Normally, Saturdays we would be at my house and Sundays we would be at his house. Family was already a big part of our relationship.
Ever since I hit my teens my Mom and I have been talking about my wedding. After going to so many weddings and being in weddings I started building what I wanted my wedding to be like.
Also since my teens, I have been learning about marriage. I sat in on women's bible studies and was counseled and taught by many women in my life in addition to my Mom. Through God's teaching I knew the kind of marriage I wanted to have, and in turn the kind of courtship I wanted to have.

I communicated this vision to Matt, and he decided that that's what he wanted too. God had been teaching and prompting us similarly in our teen/adult years so when it came time for us to talk about what we wanted, we were pretty much always on the same page.

Matt is such an encouragement to me, in the exact way I need to be encouraged.
He is funny and silly and makes me laugh every single day!
He loves my family!
He is so sweet, like that one person you want to see and talk to after everything seems to go wrong.
He is patient and kind. We have had our moments of misunderstanding each other and disagreeing, but he never turns away a conversation and he always is filled with kindness and forgiveness.
He calms me down and never yells and if he is ever frustrated, he sincerely apologizes.
He thinks about things before he does them and hardly ever reacts but rather responds.
He doesn't make assumptions about people and how they are going to be or respond.
He has so much respect for his parents and other people in his life.
He is always considerate.
He's so attractive inside and out!

I could go on and on forever....

He loves me so much!

More to come in another "edition".........

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