Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Coexisting vs. Living

Jesus is the only way we can truly accomplish things here on earth. I'm not talking about little tasks like the laundry (although I know sometimes you need Jesus to help you do that Moms). There are things I believe God left up to us to get done. He put a free-will in us, and He also put common sense (used or not) inside of us. It's kind of like the way animals know how to care for their young without anyone showing them. He put this self-maintaining drive in all of His creation. We can get by without asking what to do every second. But without Him, we'd accomplish nothing. Without Him, we wouldn't exist. Without Him, we would merely exist in life, but we would really have no purpose. And this is how some people live their lives...without Jesus, just existing.
I see the bumper stickers that have different religions represented saying "coexist". I agree, if you want to merely exist, yes, accept everything and don't follow or commit to anything. That's basically the message being conveyed. Don't stand for anything, but pretend to accept everything and just merely "coexist".

But I don't want to just exist. I want to live! I want purpose! I want to know why I am here, what I am breathing for, and why I was created! I want my life to be fruitful! Not just for my benefit, but for those around me. I don't want to glorify myself more, I want to glorify God. It's my way of saying "Thanks for creating me. You are amazing and I'll give you my life in return." The awesome things is while I am giving God the credit, He actually in-turn blesses me more because all He really want in the first place was for me to be with Him, and he decides to bless me through me obeying and glorifying Him. You can't loose. Unless, you deny why you are here, what you are breathing for and why you were created. If you deny that, you've missed the purpose of life, and therefore you are just existing and though you may still be breathing, you have lost.

If existing is completely okay with you, and you want nothing to do with living for something, or even knowing the One who created you...okay then. I can't convince you, because I am not you. But if however, you think you may know your Creator and you want to live a full fruitful life in pursuit of your Creator with the purpose of eternal life...there is great news...while He is the Creator, He is also the Redeemer. That means He saves us when we ask. When we come to Him seeking to know and glorify Him and really live a life full of joy. love, peace, truth and forgiveness...He does that in our lives. You can go back to "GO" and collect your $200 :) all you have to do is move your game piece to the right board. It's a game changer, you can't play both at once. But the board is beautiful, full of blessings and joy.

I am so excited about this life God has given me and all the ways I've seen Him work. I am living my life for Him, because He is my purpose. He created me. Everything I have is His. He is the reason I breathe. I know my purpose. And no one can ever take that away from me. It's mine and I am confident in it. And I am so happy, I want everyone else to experience the relief and joy I have. So here I am sharing it. Take it or leave it :)

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