Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Love and Happiness

I see a lot of meme's on social media talking about happiness and love. So here is my take on happiness and love...

Happiness: I am not happy. Generally I act like a happy person, but happy is not what I am. Happiness is my emotional state for a few seconds. But on a daily basis I am not happy. On a daily basis I, in every second of my day, I am joyful, content and at peace. Those are what I am. Because of Gods Spirit dwelling in me, the ways He takes care of me, and my family and my constant open communication with Him...I am joyful, content and at peace pretty much all day :) but, it just has no depth for me

Love: the meme's circulating say that it's our job to love and not to judge....but like I've said without truth is meaningless. Truth without love is ineffective. So I say: love is our job (especially as believers as indicated in the Word), love is an action, a call to act, a call to share the good news with someone, a call to care about their eternity, and a call to listen and encourage. Don't take this "back seat" type of love that portrays us as door mats who let people jump off buildings around us. That ain't no love. That's called inabling. Our love HAS TO have a purpose. Love is strong and is not like being "happy". It is not an emotion. It is a call to action. What are you going to do with it??? (See 1 Corinthians does not say "love does not judge"...because without judgement we would never need to change or become better people)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Dishes and clothes

I am passionate about a lot of different topics...things I feel are true and important. But there's one thing that overshadows them love for my Father. 

As a new stay-at-home-mom, I have been gradually finding my way. The way that gives me purpose. A purpose that flows with my home and supports my husband. I have found it in dishes and clothes. You see, dishes and clothes are the daily things I accomplish, aside from chasing my 8 month old around, changing diapers, nursing every 2 hours and the normal tidying of my home. Dishes and clothes has been my mission field. Just a few moments ago as I was ironing my husbands shirt for tomorrow, I prayed once again the prayer requests I've received lately, and I also prayed for the people I know need the Lord. This in turn had me pondering what the life of a Believer is without prayer? Prayer is our lifeline as believers. I felt honored for being able to come to the throne room of God while taking care of clothes, but I also felt convicted for the times I have not purposes myself, and utilized that time. 

I really believe prayer is powerful. When we take time to bring specific things to God, somehow they get bumped up or something. Because it isn't like God NEEDS our prayers, He has the power to do what He wants whenever He wants, but the prayers of the righteous get heard, and I really feel He takes note of it. About a month or 2 ago I prayed for a friend, and I really believe God honored my prayer for her, and in my prayer I was pretty specific....not "telling God what to do" but more so letting Him know I saw how important the situation was. And I really believe He came through. There have also been plenty of little prayers I have seen Him answer about asking Him to tell my husband something...and He would. Or, asking for wisdom about something with my son...and He has given it to me. 

So even though my purpose is just dishes and clothes right's still pretty important...not only for my home...but for my life as a believer. Because even though I am a stay-at-home-mom, I'm still a wife, I'm still a sister, I'm still a friend, I'm still a daughter and I'm still a child of God.