Thursday, December 5, 2013

Willingness and revival (started as a Facebook status)

The Bible is Gods perfect plan for us. But we are imperfect. So how can we follow it? That's where the new testament comes in. Jesus makes you perfect...just because of Himself. Your abilities are endless when you are IN Him and He is in you.

Suffocated by your situations and circumstances? Jesus can make a way for you to get THROUGH.
Worried about the future? Jesus already made a plan, ask Him how He wants you to follow it.
Stressed about money? Jesus said do not worry because He will provide for you beyond how He provides for the birds.

The thing that often separates people from experiencing The Lord's fullness is: willingness. When we are unwilling and we make our own conditions, it leaves little room for God to work because He will not force Himself on us, we have to let Him in.

Many times what God asks us to do is hard because our minds cannot comprehend His ways. Sometimes we think He's slow, or not doing it the way we want, or sometimes He asks us to stay where we are so we can see Him gradually make it better.

This is so true in relationships. Society has brain washed and emotionally washed us to think if someone isn't everything we want, we can get rid of them or demand that they change. But God never says we should change anyone, He says we have to change ourselves. And if we are truly connected to Him and spending time delighting and pursuing Him, the Holy Spirit will guide us on the change we have to make. It is hard, and there are many many believers who avoid the Holy Spirit's prompting's because its "easier" to just get rid of someone, when in the end, it closes us up from receiving a revival.
I know, because the Holy Spirit has convicted me for 14 years and I have made the choice to stick out relationships and I have seen the revival of The Lord. 

Ask God to search you (Psalm 139:23-24) and work as hard as you can to be the person He wants to chisel you to be. Let Him carve and mold you however He sees fit, and lay your own thought about what should happen at His feet and leave them there.

I pray The Lord speaks to you today like no one else can :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Beauty from a mess

I'm a mess, but I gave God my mess and He brought forth beauty from it. I couldn't change my mess myself, but rather I had to give Him my mess and accept any way He saw fit to change it. It was hard, sometimes painful. But I can say to you...obedience with no excuses is the very best way to be a child of God. Saying no to quick fixes, saying yes to conviction and personal self-control and change, and racing to my Bible as much as I could. 
If you want something in your life, your circumstances, in people around you to change...START WITH YOU. You're the only one who can change you, and your without excuse until you actively devote to letting God change you however He sees fit.
I'm a product of the changes He does, even the every day ones. 
I share this with you for your benefit, not mine. It's totally your choice to ignore, though I hope you don't. 

Today's heart prayer


I don't know how you walked this earth seeing people actively ignoring your truth and turning against have all the answers and yet they passed right by you searching in their own selfishness. You have the answers. I see people ignoring you and searching for their own wants even though they say they are searching for you. It breaks my heart because you are right there, your word is right there, and your perfect plan for us is written out and accessible to anyone, yet they still walk away from it. You are the answer. Yet, I can't say anything by their terms because I'm young, unmarried and I haven't faced trails like theirs. I'm not the one with the answers, you are! But no one wants to pay attention to you. They don't want to do the hard right thing. They just want their own way. People are being selfish to each other, parents are neglecting children and wives are disrespecting their husbands and husbands have lost their voices. It doesn't make sense God. And no one wants to hear your truth just because its hard. 
I don't know how you hung there in agony dying for the sins of people who messed up their own lives and rejected your freedom and how you could say in your time for pain "forgive them".
The great thing is...I don't have to understand, I don't have to save anyone, I'm accountable for my own self and the choices I make. So make me a living voice speaking your truth for all to hear, barely using my voice. 
Make me a mirror of you, pointing others to your face. To your freedom. To your forgiveness. You are the ONLY way and I pray for transformation right now in the lives of those hurting from sin. I pray they would learn to love each other, invest in their children appropriately, respect their husbands, and love their wives. Please help someone make the right move first and remove the enemies lies of comparisons and "deal breakers". Renew minds. Change hearts. Make your truth known. Stop the enemy. Call out the lies. Unveil eyes. Make a way! Intercede! Convict! Restore! 

Through the saving blood of Jesus Christ and continued freedom for ever, Amen. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What if God called you? Part One

What if God asked you to go on a mission trip to another country and take care of children all day teaching them because there aren't schools, being on a limited budget, living in a small house, not getting paid anything??
What if God called you? Would you do it? Think long and hard...then wait for my next post...

Monday, August 26, 2013

In the refining fire....

I've said it many times on my other blog...waiting is just hard.

I don't understand why things happen the way they do. It frustrates me that some of my awesome girl friends don't have men in their lives that could potentially be someone perusing them. It frustrates me that some people are dying waiting for hearts. It frustrates me that people I know are loosing their babies after a hope of answered prayer. It frustrates me that Christians who are willing to actually let the Holy Spirit rule their lives are being told they are "judgers". I don't understand and it's frustrating.

I was watching Veggie Tales Esther today with the kids, Esther didn't understand what God was doing. She probably felt far from God in the position she was in. God hadn't laid out His plan before Esther to say, "this and this are going to happen, but don't worry because my plan is to do this"...she didn't know God's plan...all she had was the faith that He had one. Sometimes when we are put in uncomfortable situations where we are tested or moved or burdened we might feel far from God's plan...but there is no where in scripture where God didn't have a plan. Nothing shocks Him. It may scare us almost to death, but He is always standing. Esther was taken from her humble home and went into essentially the enemies camp, there she had to go through the steps to try and win the King over even though she probably just wanted to go home. While there God's plan only started to unfold after she was selected as Queen. She didn't know what God was up to, but she didn't need to know, all she needed to do was to trust Him.

Have you ever been put in a position where you had to go about what you felt was right only being be led by God as each step came?
Have you ever had your faith tested in a circumstance you never even thought you'd enter into?

Would you take up a position or a circumstance that you may have otherwise avoided?

I would have struggled with fully trusting God in the position Esther was in. Being one of the girls trying to win the Kings affections knowing he might not be a man of God...I might have ran away telling myself "God would surly never put me in this position"...but if it wasn't for Esther...she and her people could have died.
She humbled herself to be taken in the crowd of the world....much like Jesus...and once she knew what she needed to do...she did it. It still wasn't clear to her what God's plan was, but she saw the opportunity and she trusted God.

I struggle with that.

Sunday night at my church we watched Louie Giglio "Fruitcake and Ice Cream" and there was a girl who was a Christian, but her roommate wasn't, and this Christian girl exhibited so much grace that she never made her roommate feel judged, but she was a huge testimony to her in the process.
I know I struggle with grace. I was talking to God today about how His statutes and teachings are so engraved in me, but in ways of grace I lack so much knowledge. I need to work on this, and so I prayed that God would teach me more about grace and help me to learn it and apply it.

Is there anything you might need to learn more about?

God longs to teach us, not because we are stupid...but because He is awesome! :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

God has plans for you

The Lord has a plan for you! Even if you've tried your own plan...went astray...don't feel worth much...or if you are just stubborn...God still has a plan...and His plans are strong enough where you can't do anything bad enough to stop His may take longer...your plan may add some things to your life you could do without...but God has not forgotten about His plan for you. No matter what you've done...He's ready to show you His plan when you are willing to let Him. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

What's your love story with Jesus?

 In my devotional My Utmost For His Highest I read about religion and a relationship. It is so amazing to me that we can have a personal, intimate relationship with God.
Do you have a personal, intimate, love story with God? Do you have a "history" with Jesus?
Think about how far you've come together...and remind yourself of what you really have.
A relationships take work, and they are also the most beautiful thing we will experience on earth.

If you feel so led, share your love story with Jesus in the comments below :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Do you know what I mean?

I just really really love the Lord!
It is such a comfort in life to know that He has been there all throughout my life and that I have been His for so long!
This world is full of wondering if someone knows how you feel, if you are accepted, if you'll upset someone. But with the Lord, His love is amazing and there is nothing that can take it away.
Do you know what I mean?
Jesus is so awesome and all He did for us and continues to do for's just great. I don't know what I would be like without Him.

I want to bring Him more glory and honor the best that I can because He just makes me so happy :)

Do you know what I mean?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome to Mandy's Blog!

Hi everyone!

I am very excited about this blog! I am still learning how to link thing correctly and share things the best way...but hey, I'm here and you are here...and you get to hear all about God's stuff in my heart and all my thoughts on stuff.

Today, I am feeling under the weather but God is showing me how to still be a smiley person and encouraging to others even thought I feel out of it.
It is interesting how God uses His children for many different thing through any feelings or trials or just plain stuff they go through. I feel the impression of God's Spirit testing me today to see if I am up for the challenge. I have had to hear corrections given to me without responding in "defense mode" but to really see it as always being able to better myself through everything. I don't like being wrong, and I don't really like being corrected because I try so hard to do my best to follow the rules and follow the Lord, but I MESS UP a lot!

Last night I actually cried in my car because as I prayed I admitted to God that I hadn't been fully consulting His Word and Spirit for mental and Spiritual decisions and I cried because I knew He knew. As I started talking about different things He answered them on the spot as His wisdom came to my mind. I started to not be able to know what to say anymore. So I ended by saying "Whatever You want God. How do you feel about it all?" And I felt better in that moment, but it was kind of frustrating because I don't do a lot, so there doesn't seem like much room for failure, but there is.

I asked God about what if I am convicted about something in His Word but someone else isn't, what is the line on something being just for one person and something being for everyone? He reminded me that His Word is for everyone, but that if something is in fact convicted about something and don't do anything about it, they are sinning. No matter how big or small, if they aren't listening to Him, they are sinning. And in that moment that's what He addressed in me....I was sinning by not listening to His promptings to pray about things going on, because I knew the answer, I knew what He would say, so I avoided. It was something small, super super tiny, but it was still a choice.

I won't pretend to know everything. I won't pretend I am perfect. I mess up. But I share my failures and successes because I love God and I want everyone to know and love Him too.

But in my successes I will share the best way I found, and I will share what God told me....because even though the spirit convicts us, the Bible is our tool...and I won't stop sharing brings good...and I want good for everyone. People share good with me all the time, and I have to change sometimes...but it is good. So don't fight me here...I want good things for you.
This is not a blog for me to have somewhere to vent, this is a blog for me to share my life with others so that they may know they aren't alone and be encouraged to Stand Firm.

I hope you have a blessed day. God has plans today. He even has plans for my sickness. Ask Him how He feels about today :)