Jesus is the only way we can truly accomplish things here on earth. I'm not talking about little tasks like the laundry (although I know sometimes you need Jesus to help you do that Moms). There are things I believe God left up to us to get done. He put a free-will in us, and He also put common sense (used or not) inside of us. It's kind of like the way animals know how to care for their young without anyone showing them. He put this self-maintaining drive in all of His creation. We can get by without asking what to do every second. But without Him, we'd accomplish nothing. Without Him, we wouldn't exist. Without Him, we would merely exist in life, but we would really have no purpose. And this is how some people live their lives...without Jesus, just existing.
I see the bumper stickers that have different religions represented saying "coexist". I agree, if you want to merely exist, yes, accept everything and don't follow or commit to anything. That's basically the message being conveyed. Don't stand for anything, but pretend to accept everything and just merely "coexist".
But I don't want to just exist. I want to live! I want purpose! I want to know why I am here, what I am breathing for, and why I was created! I want my life to be fruitful! Not just for my benefit, but for those around me. I don't want to glorify myself more, I want to glorify God. It's my way of saying "Thanks for creating me. You are amazing and I'll give you my life in return." The awesome things is while I am giving God the credit, He actually in-turn blesses me more because all He really want in the first place was for me to be with Him, and he decides to bless me through me obeying and glorifying Him. You can't loose. Unless, you deny why you are here, what you are breathing for and why you were created. If you deny that, you've missed the purpose of life, and therefore you are just existing and though you may still be breathing, you have lost.
If existing is completely okay with you, and you want nothing to do with living for something, or even knowing the One who created you...okay then. I can't convince you, because I am not you. But if however, you think you may know your Creator and you want to live a full fruitful life in pursuit of your Creator with the purpose of eternal life...there is great news...while He is the Creator, He is also the Redeemer. That means He saves us when we ask. When we come to Him seeking to know and glorify Him and really live a life full of joy. love, peace, truth and forgiveness...He does that in our lives. You can go back to "GO" and collect your $200 :) all you have to do is move your game piece to the right board. It's a game changer, you can't play both at once. But the board is beautiful, full of blessings and joy.
I am so excited about this life God has given me and all the ways I've seen Him work. I am living my life for Him, because He is my purpose. He created me. Everything I have is His. He is the reason I breathe. I know my purpose. And no one can ever take that away from me. It's mine and I am confident in it. And I am so happy, I want everyone else to experience the relief and joy I have. So here I am sharing it. Take it or leave it :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Being The Daughter Of A Heart Transplant Patient
Yesterday I had a meeting at a venue and as we were talking to the wedding coordinator I had a moment of realizing that none of this would be happening (meaning planning a big wedding) if my Dad was not here with us.
2 years ago my Dad received a heart transplant. 4 years ago he was admitted into the hospital after having a near heart attack and loss of function. His lungs were full of fluid and he was not making sense due to hardly any oxygen getting to his brain. Our family experienced a "new normal" from that point on. After countless visits to our now beloved INOVA Fairfax hospital, we all became heart transplant experts. Blood pressure, heart attacks, heart functions, heart pumps, diabetes...the list goes on. That time in our family was a great time of testing, but I stand to say...we passed the test. Through little tears in the moment because of all of us needing to be strong for each other, we knew God had a plan, and while it was shocking to have to go through this trying time none of us were prepared for, we were grateful for it. We were appreciative to have the opportunity to serve our Dad by being there for him and our Mom. We were humbled by the knowledge God has given the talented medical field. We were prepared, as much as anyone can be, for Daddy to no longer be with us. God did that. God worked in such a mighty way as to fill us with His CRAZY peace. When I say crazy...I mean crazy! It was so strange that in the midst of such adversity we all just had peace. We knew we were going to be okay. That year I learned the truth of what it meant to actually have faith and not merely just talk about it.
As I looked at my Dad yesterday I almost started to tear up telling this lady that "I kind of don't care what it's like, I just can't believe we are here, I can't believe he is here. This would not be happening for me if my Dad was not with us today. But here he is sitting here." But I couldn't cry. Because I knew that no matter if he was or wasn't here, God was good. I just so happen to be able to do this with my Daddy by my side. When he got sick, I had to be okay with the fact of one day getting married and my Dad not walking me down the isle. But he is here. That doesn't make me any better than someone who didn't get to have that, and I guess that's why I am so humbled by it. I was prepared to not have it. I know how precious it is, but I also know where my faith and trust is. It's in God who is wonderful and perfect no matter if I get what I want or not.
Each and every family has faced some kind of hard thing, and it may look completely different than another. But what I have learned from the trails I have faced is that no matter how big or small the we respond to the pressure is the true test of our faith. If everything were taken away...would your faith be shaken?? Or would His peace be allowed to abound in your heart??
The peace is CRAZY...I can't even explain it. My Mom and I have tried to explain that peace we had during that time, and there are just no words. It was completely God, and any time I pray...I go back to that...trusting Him beyond what I see...beyond my desire...even my desire to still have loved ones stay on earth...His peace covers it's CRAZY because it doesn't make the desire go just like satisfies it. He really becomes your all in all with no strings attached when you've been tested and your faith stays just as strong as before.
God is good...all of the time!!!
2 years ago my Dad received a heart transplant. 4 years ago he was admitted into the hospital after having a near heart attack and loss of function. His lungs were full of fluid and he was not making sense due to hardly any oxygen getting to his brain. Our family experienced a "new normal" from that point on. After countless visits to our now beloved INOVA Fairfax hospital, we all became heart transplant experts. Blood pressure, heart attacks, heart functions, heart pumps, diabetes...the list goes on. That time in our family was a great time of testing, but I stand to say...we passed the test. Through little tears in the moment because of all of us needing to be strong for each other, we knew God had a plan, and while it was shocking to have to go through this trying time none of us were prepared for, we were grateful for it. We were appreciative to have the opportunity to serve our Dad by being there for him and our Mom. We were humbled by the knowledge God has given the talented medical field. We were prepared, as much as anyone can be, for Daddy to no longer be with us. God did that. God worked in such a mighty way as to fill us with His CRAZY peace. When I say crazy...I mean crazy! It was so strange that in the midst of such adversity we all just had peace. We knew we were going to be okay. That year I learned the truth of what it meant to actually have faith and not merely just talk about it.
As I looked at my Dad yesterday I almost started to tear up telling this lady that "I kind of don't care what it's like, I just can't believe we are here, I can't believe he is here. This would not be happening for me if my Dad was not with us today. But here he is sitting here." But I couldn't cry. Because I knew that no matter if he was or wasn't here, God was good. I just so happen to be able to do this with my Daddy by my side. When he got sick, I had to be okay with the fact of one day getting married and my Dad not walking me down the isle. But he is here. That doesn't make me any better than someone who didn't get to have that, and I guess that's why I am so humbled by it. I was prepared to not have it. I know how precious it is, but I also know where my faith and trust is. It's in God who is wonderful and perfect no matter if I get what I want or not.
Each and every family has faced some kind of hard thing, and it may look completely different than another. But what I have learned from the trails I have faced is that no matter how big or small the we respond to the pressure is the true test of our faith. If everything were taken away...would your faith be shaken?? Or would His peace be allowed to abound in your heart??
The peace is CRAZY...I can't even explain it. My Mom and I have tried to explain that peace we had during that time, and there are just no words. It was completely God, and any time I pray...I go back to that...trusting Him beyond what I see...beyond my desire...even my desire to still have loved ones stay on earth...His peace covers it's CRAZY because it doesn't make the desire go just like satisfies it. He really becomes your all in all with no strings attached when you've been tested and your faith stays just as strong as before.
God is good...all of the time!!!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Not Of This World-I am His
When God called me to follow Him, He didn't tell me it so I would be perfect, but so that I would be different and not look like the world-I would be His.
When God called me to trust Him, He didn't tell me to because everything would be easy or without difficulty, but because it would be hard and difficult-but He would be glorified and I would be okay.
When God called me to be pure until my wedding, He didn't tell me it was the only way, but that it was the better way-the way He designed it to be.
When God called me to pursue being a stay-at-home mother for my future, He didn't say I'd marry a millionaire, but that if I trusted and obeyed Him-I'd see Him provide beyond my own idea's.
When God called me to speak about purity, modesty, homeschooling, home birth, Moms staying at home, He didn't tell me I would be well-liked, but rather I would be someone who didn't enable, who didn't give up, who didn't fall into the worlds temptations of money and power and pride. He told me I would be different-I would be His.
He is the only approval I need. He is above it all. He is in control. He is God. Not human. I'm glad for Him not being like me, and I am glad He calls me to hard things...and appointed me to His service.
I speak and write for God, not to make people feel good. He said it would be hard, why should speaking and hearing stroke our ego?
TRUTH = HIS and only His.
God is a jealous God.
When God called me to trust Him, He didn't tell me to because everything would be easy or without difficulty, but because it would be hard and difficult-but He would be glorified and I would be okay.
When God called me to be pure until my wedding, He didn't tell me it was the only way, but that it was the better way-the way He designed it to be.
When God called me to pursue being a stay-at-home mother for my future, He didn't say I'd marry a millionaire, but that if I trusted and obeyed Him-I'd see Him provide beyond my own idea's.
When God called me to speak about purity, modesty, homeschooling, home birth, Moms staying at home, He didn't tell me I would be well-liked, but rather I would be someone who didn't enable, who didn't give up, who didn't fall into the worlds temptations of money and power and pride. He told me I would be different-I would be His.
He is the only approval I need. He is above it all. He is in control. He is God. Not human. I'm glad for Him not being like me, and I am glad He calls me to hard things...and appointed me to His service.
I speak and write for God, not to make people feel good. He said it would be hard, why should speaking and hearing stroke our ego?
TRUTH = HIS and only His.
God is a jealous God.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Everything Is Awesome!!!! (Engagement Edition)
It was a Saturday after-noon and Matt had been at my house for a little bit playing Sky Landers with Gabriel while I got ready for my birthday dinner. Matt said he wanted to take me to our favorite place in Stafford UMI Japanese Cuisine. I didn't know what to wear, he said we might walk around the strip mall so I decided to not wear heels, and I didn't want to "out dress" him. So I wore whatever was comfortable.
We headed to Stafford and he took a back way to show me how they were changing the road, since we had time. We came to Willa-mere Park he said he used to play soccer at and he asked if I wanted to go for a walk and look around. I was fine with whatever. To me, we were just hanging out. It had been a busy few weeks and I just wanted to spend time with him.
We talked about the park and the baseball fields and we saw a tree just before the soccer fields. The tree was in the middle of a grassy area and looked pretty cool. We were quietly walking up to it and he stopped. I said "what are you doing?" and he got down on one knee....
I like our story with the ring. Back when we were talking about getting married Matt had asked what kind of ring I wanted, and I really did not know because I am not a big jewelry person. I did some searching and ended up finding a heart shape one in the price range I wanted. I went to look at the ring and try it on multiple times (actually pretty much any time I went to the mall!). I saw a few other styles that were cute and my type of personality. But if you know me, you know nothing trumps a heart for me!
After work one day Matt and I were at the mall and we went to look at the ring together. He liked it on me, and that made me feel a little more confident that I might possibly know what I want. But still, I wanted to leave it up to him to make the choice. I trusted he knew me very very well and would pick the perfect ring for me. He never brought it up after that day.
2 days before he proposed I went to Costco in the mall and decided to stop by the jeweler to make sure I knew my size. That's all I wanted to do. The girl there said she would size me but she couldn't discuss anything else with me. I knew a proposal was coming, but whether that meant days, weeks or months, I had no idea! After that I figured he already got the ring, but I had decided to not wonder about it. You see, early on when Matt and I decided we should look into getting married soon, the proposal part I wanted to be completely Matt's idea and I wanted to be surprised. So even if I heard comments made or I started to wonder, I decided to NOT try and figure it out. After he proposed he said he went to the jeweler that same day to finalize some things!!!!! The girl told him I had been there...and it's so funny to think about that now!
The ring is perfect. I am so happy with Matt's choice and how it came together.
After we got done with pictures at the park we went back to the car and Matt had a play list playing for after the proposal. It included "Everything Is Awesome" and "Everything I Do It For You". As we headed to the restaurant he did show me the construction on the road. I was so hungry and ready for our favorite Sushi and to spend time with my now Fiance. A part of me wanted to let my family and friends know and celebrate with them...when we walked into the restaurant we were led to our seating and as we came around the corner into a room the room was full of our friends and family!!!! I was so surprised yet again! It was so great to be able to share the moment with them too!
Matt did such a good job! We had talked about who we would want to be there and I asked for either no one, or everyone. And he managed to do both! (of course this did not include out of state friends and family-but a lot of the people close to us knew about the whole thing! Everyone did such a good job about keeping it from me, even though I decided I didn't want to know!)
And so we had time with everyone and ate....
Then there was an addition surprise for more family to be meeting us at Sweet Frog after dinner!!!! We got Ice Cream and socialized and Matt and I enjoyed the company of the people who have been a part of our courtship from the beginning! Mommy couldn't resist an open chalk board with an event like this......and we (including the kids) documented it on Sweet Frog's board.....
All in all it was a FANTASTIC day!!!! A day I will remember for the rest of my life! A day that Matt and I will look back on and laugh and maybe even cry seeing how our relationship has grown and how much love we are surrounded by.
This is the start of the next chapter! We will continue to keep planning our wedding as we have for months now. There's a marked road ahead, and God is our captain. He will light the way and speak to each of us how to navigate. It's okay to be on a new road, and it's also okay to completely trust God. Doing both, brings great reward.
I'm honored to be an example to those who read this and those who have been watching my life for years and years. Matt and I thank you for your continued support and prayer!
We are real people...and we may be a little silly....
We headed to Stafford and he took a back way to show me how they were changing the road, since we had time. We came to Willa-mere Park he said he used to play soccer at and he asked if I wanted to go for a walk and look around. I was fine with whatever. To me, we were just hanging out. It had been a busy few weeks and I just wanted to spend time with him.
We talked about the park and the baseball fields and we saw a tree just before the soccer fields. The tree was in the middle of a grassy area and looked pretty cool. We were quietly walking up to it and he stopped. I said "what are you doing?" and he got down on one knee....
![]() |
He said "Mandy, will you marry me? I love you so much!"
I was completely surprised! I did my excited laugh and I couldn't help but hug him. I said "aw. Matt, yes of course!"
I was so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We took some more photos, including silly ones, with our hiding photographer Becca and we talked about how he had planned it and all the logistics.
After work one day Matt and I were at the mall and we went to look at the ring together. He liked it on me, and that made me feel a little more confident that I might possibly know what I want. But still, I wanted to leave it up to him to make the choice. I trusted he knew me very very well and would pick the perfect ring for me. He never brought it up after that day.
2 days before he proposed I went to Costco in the mall and decided to stop by the jeweler to make sure I knew my size. That's all I wanted to do. The girl there said she would size me but she couldn't discuss anything else with me. I knew a proposal was coming, but whether that meant days, weeks or months, I had no idea! After that I figured he already got the ring, but I had decided to not wonder about it. You see, early on when Matt and I decided we should look into getting married soon, the proposal part I wanted to be completely Matt's idea and I wanted to be surprised. So even if I heard comments made or I started to wonder, I decided to NOT try and figure it out. After he proposed he said he went to the jeweler that same day to finalize some things!!!!! The girl told him I had been there...and it's so funny to think about that now!
The ring is perfect. I am so happy with Matt's choice and how it came together.
After we got done with pictures at the park we went back to the car and Matt had a play list playing for after the proposal. It included "Everything Is Awesome" and "Everything I Do It For You". As we headed to the restaurant he did show me the construction on the road. I was so hungry and ready for our favorite Sushi and to spend time with my now Fiance. A part of me wanted to let my family and friends know and celebrate with them...when we walked into the restaurant we were led to our seating and as we came around the corner into a room the room was full of our friends and family!!!! I was so surprised yet again! It was so great to be able to share the moment with them too!

And so we had time with everyone and ate....
Then there was an addition surprise for more family to be meeting us at Sweet Frog after dinner!!!! We got Ice Cream and socialized and Matt and I enjoyed the company of the people who have been a part of our courtship from the beginning! Mommy couldn't resist an open chalk board with an event like this......and we (including the kids) documented it on Sweet Frog's board.....

This is the start of the next chapter! We will continue to keep planning our wedding as we have for months now. There's a marked road ahead, and God is our captain. He will light the way and speak to each of us how to navigate. It's okay to be on a new road, and it's also okay to completely trust God. Doing both, brings great reward.
I'm honored to be an example to those who read this and those who have been watching my life for years and years. Matt and I thank you for your continued support and prayer!
We are real people...and we may be a little silly....
To God be the glory! His will be done in our lives :)
Our hash tags:
#manfitzengaged #manfitz
Photo's by Becca:
Everything Is Awesome!!!! (Courtship Edition)
My story is something I would consider pretty simple. Ever since I was a little girl I knew God had called me to be a wife and a mother. I had a few other dreams like being a writer and secretary but nothing ever was as important to me as honoring God through a marriage and raising little human beings to love the Lord.
This past year and a half I can honestly say has been THE BEST. I have been in courtship with my best friend. We have been getting to know each other, tackling difficult stuff, and talking and sharing every detail of our lives with each other. When we started courting, we had a vision in mind but neither of us, or even our parents, really knew exactly what God had planned or how it was going to go. Our biggest goal was just to grow, closer to God and closer to each other.
I can remember on our first date. I was so comfortable with Matt, not only did I feel like I could trust him, but I also felt like I could be myself, I felt completely accepted by him. There was no need to pretend we were perfect to each other. After dinner we got coffee and talked for like 2 hours. We shared our testimonies with each other, and also a little bit of the struggles we had. We both shared in a passion for purity and a passion to share Jesus with everyone.
All throughout our courtship we made time pretty much every week to spend time with each others families. Normally, Saturdays we would be at my house and Sundays we would be at his house. Family was already a big part of our relationship.
Ever since I hit my teens my Mom and I have been talking about my wedding. After going to so many weddings and being in weddings I started building what I wanted my wedding to be like.
Also since my teens, I have been learning about marriage. I sat in on women's bible studies and was counseled and taught by many women in my life in addition to my Mom. Through God's teaching I knew the kind of marriage I wanted to have, and in turn the kind of courtship I wanted to have.
I communicated this vision to Matt, and he decided that that's what he wanted too. God had been teaching and prompting us similarly in our teen/adult years so when it came time for us to talk about what we wanted, we were pretty much always on the same page.
Matt is such an encouragement to me, in the exact way I need to be encouraged.
He is funny and silly and makes me laugh every single day!
He loves my family!
He is so sweet, like that one person you want to see and talk to after everything seems to go wrong.
He is patient and kind. We have had our moments of misunderstanding each other and disagreeing, but he never turns away a conversation and he always is filled with kindness and forgiveness.
He calms me down and never yells and if he is ever frustrated, he sincerely apologizes.
He thinks about things before he does them and hardly ever reacts but rather responds.
He doesn't make assumptions about people and how they are going to be or respond.
He has so much respect for his parents and other people in his life.
He is always considerate.
He's so attractive inside and out!
I could go on and on forever....
He loves me so much!
More to come in another "edition".........
This past year and a half I can honestly say has been THE BEST. I have been in courtship with my best friend. We have been getting to know each other, tackling difficult stuff, and talking and sharing every detail of our lives with each other. When we started courting, we had a vision in mind but neither of us, or even our parents, really knew exactly what God had planned or how it was going to go. Our biggest goal was just to grow, closer to God and closer to each other.
I can remember on our first date. I was so comfortable with Matt, not only did I feel like I could trust him, but I also felt like I could be myself, I felt completely accepted by him. There was no need to pretend we were perfect to each other. After dinner we got coffee and talked for like 2 hours. We shared our testimonies with each other, and also a little bit of the struggles we had. We both shared in a passion for purity and a passion to share Jesus with everyone.
All throughout our courtship we made time pretty much every week to spend time with each others families. Normally, Saturdays we would be at my house and Sundays we would be at his house. Family was already a big part of our relationship.
Ever since I hit my teens my Mom and I have been talking about my wedding. After going to so many weddings and being in weddings I started building what I wanted my wedding to be like.
Also since my teens, I have been learning about marriage. I sat in on women's bible studies and was counseled and taught by many women in my life in addition to my Mom. Through God's teaching I knew the kind of marriage I wanted to have, and in turn the kind of courtship I wanted to have.
I communicated this vision to Matt, and he decided that that's what he wanted too. God had been teaching and prompting us similarly in our teen/adult years so when it came time for us to talk about what we wanted, we were pretty much always on the same page.
Matt is such an encouragement to me, in the exact way I need to be encouraged.
He is funny and silly and makes me laugh every single day!
He loves my family!
He is so sweet, like that one person you want to see and talk to after everything seems to go wrong.
He is patient and kind. We have had our moments of misunderstanding each other and disagreeing, but he never turns away a conversation and he always is filled with kindness and forgiveness.
He calms me down and never yells and if he is ever frustrated, he sincerely apologizes.
He thinks about things before he does them and hardly ever reacts but rather responds.
He doesn't make assumptions about people and how they are going to be or respond.
He has so much respect for his parents and other people in his life.
He is always considerate.
He's so attractive inside and out!
I could go on and on forever....
He loves me so much!
More to come in another "edition".........
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