Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Making My Bed

I'm that person that makes my bed every day. If I don't, I often remember it all day.
Getting into the habit of making my bed every day has not been something I decided to do to make my life seem like it's in order, or to make my home look "put together". It is far more than that. Making my bed every day is for me. It's the first accomplishment of my day that I can feel proud of. It starts my day off right. It also gives me a fresh frame of mind knowing my room is in order and ready if unexpected guests arrive.

My husband and I decided before we got married that we wanted our home to be ready for entertaining at any time. That doesn't mean there aren't things on the counter, or stuff in the sink...but it does mean that we are conscious about the things we leave out and if our home is comfortable in the way of guests can find a seat when they come and we don't have underwear in plain sight (let's face it, those things are uncomfortable).

This way of thinking has been an eye opener for me because it speaks to how we care for our hearts and lives too. Are we open to the unexpected needs of others? Are we ready for a friend to vent to us in a time of need? Are we making our family aware that sometimes when you're available you need to pick up and go help someone? This is something that is important to me. To be ready. But to also take care of myself and my needs so that I am available when called. One of my best friends and my Mom live their lives like this as well. And I always hear compliments about how inviting and relatable they are. They have both helped so many people because of their decision to think ahead.

What if we all took on the "making our bed" mindset? I think we all would experience a more willingness to help those in need and not play the comparison game. Because let's face it, no time is ideal to get organized or to help someone, we always have excuses, don't we? But it doesn't take perfect circumstances in order for it to happen, all it takes is a decision. Sometimes the best way to make that decision is after you wake up in the morning...starting off on the right foot for the day.

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