Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Does it really matter?

It has begun. The chaos. The panicking. Is everything done? Will I look ok? Will everyone be happy? Will they remember our day?

Wedding prep can be the biggest stress of ones life. After all, it is the biggest party you will ever throw in your whole life.

As I began to feel my blood pressure rise and my head start pounding, I felt like I was going to explode! and this was all just this morning. haha.

Why am I so stressed? What is really different about this day? Who am I doing it for?

As I started to speak truth to myself, I remembered something. Something I posted in my last post here the other day. You see, this day isn't about me, or even our guests. We didn't do anything to make the marriage thing "cool"...we don't have a rep we have to uphold. We just really need to be us. Because we are not in control of the day. Much like we will not be in control of our marriage, or our life, or our money or where we live.

We are believers, we believe in the One True God who rules over everything and through Him everything has it's place. And we give Him the controller.

So why am I all stressed as if I need to hold this wedding up to some standard?

The truth is, I shouldn't be stressed. I am in disobedience by stressing right now.

Just like how I shouldn't be stressed looking for a mate and hoping I found the right one. I shouldn't look to take my wedding into my own hands as if I'm the one with the blue prints.

God carries all of the blue prints. They are safe with Him, and He set up a plan already in advance.

Hmmm...what a relief, right???

ORRRRR not. Because as much as it is a relief to have God handle everything and already have a plan...I often don't want someone else in control. And that is why I get stressed.

So why am I stressed?

Because I'm wrong.

I am not trusting God.

Even though He is the One who made this relationship happen in the first place and brought us to this point by providing Matt with a promotion at work, helping him buy our house, making it where my Dad could pay for the wedding, making it where my Dad is alive and able to walk my down the isle and giving those around us awesome gifts they have used for this wedding...even though He provided ALL that...I still am freaking out!

So I have to ask myself...does it really matter? When I only see a crumb of everything that God sees...does what I am stressing about really matter?

God is here. God is good. God is in this. We are doing this in accordance with His Word and through His leading. What else matters?

Do half the things we stress about really matter?

After ALL God does and has done for us...we are going to stress about something else acting as if He may not do something...when history tells us...He always does.

He's got this.

I am going to trust Him. :)

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