Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Being Mommy

My life has grown beautifully the past few months.
I had my son in February and had a wonderful, empowering home birth. The birth itself was even more wonderful than I expected. It was hard work, but I did my research, had a great support system and relied on God through it, and He delivered.

I now have the wonderful blessing of being a Mommy! I love it!

My days consist of diapers, naps, feedings along with my every day household tasks. Some days I get overwhelmed with all the tasks I want to accomplish, but God encourages me that caring for my little human is something that shouldn't be taken lightly and it is an important job!

Another important job I have is being a wife. Some women may find it hard to remember that job when they become a Mom, but God has kept me in check! My husband was THE BIGGEST support during our sons birth, before, during and after! He was completely selfless and arose to the occasion to fight for me :) Now, he is such an awesome Daddy and love our son so much I watch in awe!

A big thing I have been struggling with is where I fit right now. I have days of doubt when I think I'm not doing enough. I start to get sucked into the thought that since my husband is away from home making money, I should be doing the same. But God reminds me that I am the one given the job of caring for our son. Then I start to feel bad I am not volunteering at church, but God shows me that my ministry with my church will change, and for right now I serve them by focusing on my family, and soon enough He will show me where to serve. Another thought that comes to mind is I wish I had more friends, more money, more time, more clothes, etc. But God shows me that my life has been full of moments of time with friends, extra money and little money, nothing to do, everything to do, and I have clothes!

It is so easy to fall into these tempting thoughts when we are doing the hardest, least recognized or respect job out there.

Raising children effects the WORLD. How we raise our children, molds them into the adults they'll be, and those adults will play big roles in our world, then they will raise the next generation. It is he hardest job because it is challenging emotionally and financially. It's least recognized because it isn't about us, and the world doesn't deem it important because there is no MONEY involved. It's the least respected because people think if women are staying home, that means they are stupid, incapable and lazy.

It's so hard to fight with all that pointing at you. It's hard to feel accomplished caring for a child cleaning the house and cooking dinner, when so many people have someone else do all those for them. It's hard to feel encouraged when so many people don't see it as important.

It's hard, but not impossible.

Being a Mommy is my job right now 24/7. It's isn't my identity. I am still Mandy. I am still a wife. I am still a daughter. I am still a sister. I am still a follower of Jesus Christ. In God my identity still resides. But being a Mommy is His calling on my life. It is how I can honor and glorify Him. Raising the child He has given me.
Through Him is how I can accomplish what He has called me to. (Philippians 4:13)

I can easily say I need more money, more time with friends, more clothes and more alone time. But those are outside of His calling for me. And God provides my needs...not me. If I need more money, as I obey Him through being a Mom at home and as my husband obeys Him by working hard being diligent and wise, God will provide (and he has!). If I need more time with friends, He will provide the right friends who are available (and He has!). If I need more clothes, He will provide the best way for me to get them (and he has, because I needed shorts, and I found some on sale-but that's all I bought!). If I need more alone time He will show me where I can find it (like in nap time!).

God knows what we need. He knows the pressures around us, and He knows the hard work we are putting in. Get under His umbrella and He just helps everything fit together and make sense!

#beingmommy #mommylife #manfitzbabyboy #manfitzlife #manfitzmarriage

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