Saturday, June 6, 2015

Spending time with God

There is a Hymn I love to sing called the "Garden" it talks about being with God. Spending time like that with Him and the thought of walking with Him through a garden is my idea of Heaven. To be in His presence just walking along and talking to Him like I always have...only being able to see Him! It makes my spirit want to soar.

Spending time with God for me has developed over the years much like any other relationship. The time I put into it is how strong it ends up being. The more I study His Word without distractions, the more I hear His Word even if there are distractions. The more time I spend praying to Him (sometimes on my knees) the more my heart surrenders to Him and trusts Him. I can be God's Child and go to Heaven just by being saved. But knowing God personally in my soul...deep down to my core...that's icing on the cake! Nothing is as wonderful as those moments with Him. I wish everyone would know what it is like...I wish every believer would let themselves get to that depth with Him. There are so many levels to a relationship with Him it is crazy and blows my mind. Just when I think I'm full of Him...he takes me deeper.

I have spend so many hours crying in His presence...praying for people, praying for myself, asking questions, and just telling Him how I feel. He knows the aching of my heart and has caught every tear I have shed. If you have this kind of relationship with Him I guarentee you are smiling right now because you can remember those times too. The heart remembers times with the Lord, I believe, more than any human times on earth. I remember where I was with each prayer and tear...and I remember what I was praying about. Maybe it's because those moments will be etched in us for eternity where as memories from earth won't matter as much to us in Heaven.

There are not many things needed for prayer to become a part of who you only requires effort. Sometimes God will use the Bible and maybe researching the Word with a concordance or even a commentary to help you to apply His Word and hear Him out.

When I first started praying...I would pray as a little girl about my brothers and how I wanted them to be nice and about boys and how I wanted them to like me HAHA. God used this time to FOCUS me on the path He had for me.
As a teenager, this was my educational time. I was in many Bible Studies a week and sang in choir. I was at church every day, and I am not even kidding. God took that chunk of time to TEACH me.
As and adult, I am learning to apply all I have learned in my teen years. God has been SHOWING me His ways and His truth through my life and circumstances.

I have not been given much of an evangelical spirit...I am relational and I like to connect with people first. Even though my writings are more direct, in person I really just want to have a conversation. Yet, I do hold firmly to what I believe and am convicted of, that is for sure. I have not felt led to go out of country on missions, and that's ok, because my friends go and I hold down the fort here. I have however been called to in community missions and writing. So welcome to my mission field! lol. My goal is to write a book series and speak at events, conferences and retreats. Once again, I am when I speak, I am not all about information information information (business business business, this working??-UnikittyY from The LEGO Movie)...I want to make connections and meet people where they are and inspire new thought.

I have to admit, talking about waiting, purity and God can be challenging. They are hard topics because its where we find ourselves most challenged and in struggle as human beings. Sexuality, Marriage and the existence of God have been all but re-written over the years. I don't think there is one firm definition anymore. And because of this...people can become easily offended and hurt.
As I continue to seek doing these things in the next few years, this issue will become even worse to address. It is the condition of the world. But I am willing to be the trail be hated and called names...I'll take it...because this isn't something I came up with. It wasn't my invention. It's God's thing, and He doesn't change, so why should I? God will be the one talking and I'll just be used by Him. And I trust Him to do what needs to be done.

The biggest thing I am having had to learn, is love. What love means for me and my cloud of witnesses and what I am doing with it. This has been a struggle. I have faced so many hard things recently in trying to love, but God has been so faithful to teach me. Because I need to learn this, I believe that is why my goals have not taken flight quite yet. God is still working on me and showing me what to do. And soon He will send me out! The invitations to speak keep coming, but God does what He sees best with them. I am humbled, and I trust Him to take me where He wants me when He knows I am ready.

In this new time of growth, prayer has been essential. I have had to come to Him to check myself and be willing to make changes when needed in myself. It hurts...and it's not easy to be told by God I was wrong....but who He makes me to be in the refining is awesome. I hope I never stop growing.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Recent Media Stories

The current sins in the media (and I am saying sins...not people) and my reactions and struggle with how to express myself have brought me to be grateful for the struggle.

So many times I have found myself hurt yet again by the world. The World elevates sin and selfish desires. We long for someone else to be praised for something wrong so we feel better about doing it too, and we also like pointing out other people's faults so that we feel better about ourselves. This is the condition of the sinful flesh that we were all born with since the garden of Eden.

I have known God all my life and I have been His servant since I was 10, I have studied God's Word for many years. I long to obey His Word and because I found what my heart desires, I long to share it with everyone else. Those who reject Him, break my heart.

But as I look at the posts and the anger of people and the sins of people...I can't help but be even more grateful for God's forgiveness and love.

No matter what sins we commit, no matter what struggles we have...God forgives. And through His forgiveness we can finally obey His Word.

I am so happy I am a child of God. I do not need the approval of the world. I am accountable to the creator of the universe not other human beings.

People who do not know God and do not follow Him are on the road to destruction. And I hate that fact. Satan has hated humans since God created them because God gave us the ability to choose Him and satan hated that. Satan wanted to be God (sound familiar?)...and God casted him down to the depths...and all along satan has been trying to trick and deceive people into choosing his ways over God's. The sad part is, no one will truly realize satan is doing this until they 1) follow God and find it out through God's teaching or 2) die and forever live with satan. It's so sad. Why do people turn their backs on God? Don't they know eternity is so much longer than this life...but the choice you make can't change once you're in eternity.

I remember hearing the story in Genesis of the garden of Eden, I was so angry at satan...he is a bully and not nice. But as I read more of God's Word and broke down it's meaning...I realized how serious this situation was. My heart hurt so bad for years...I couldn't help but tell people they needed to follow God.

Today, as an adult, those same people I told Jesus about and the rest of the world pick and choose God's Word and how to follow it. They're living in sin and blaming everyone else for their troubles. They still don't see it. Eternity could come tomorrow...does that not mean anything?

My heart aches.

But I can't choose for them. The power of free will is wonderful in that I can choose Jesus...but it's such a struggle in that people who don't choose Jesus...don't get Him. People who have blasphemed God and choose their ways over His...won't be in the same place as me for eternity. I don't want them to go somewhere else...but they have free's their choice...God won't make them do it...and He won't change their choice. If they don't choose God...satan get's them. Because it has been satan all along pulling people away from God...they just don't know it yet.

So why am I grateful?

Because free will mixed with Jesus quails eternity in Heaven. Everyone has access to Jesus, everyone has free will...all they need to do is choose Him. That's all. Once you know him you will want to follow his Word. The devil will still try his hardest to bring you back to sinful ways but with Jesus it is possible to fight him. Some people choose not to fight him and continue to think selfishly and not on Gods Word...but it is possible.

A person who has chosen to sin, can still go to heaven when they accept God's forgiveness and go and sin no more.

Every sinful person Jesus talked to left choosing Him and turning from their ways. God loves us so much He won't leave us in sin...He will help us get out of it. That's why it is so difficult to watch people continually sin and be ok with it...because as much as I sin...I don't stay there...I get out as soon as I can because i know what it can do to me...but other people actually choose to stay in sin. And I just don't understand that. Yes, I have struggled and it has not been good for me, but God brought me out. I did not stay in it. How can you know God and continue to sin? I don't get it.

My heart hurt for people...but there is always constantly hope for them...they just have to ask for it. That's why I am much bad choices we can make...there are triple more good choice we can make instead. We can change our lives...we have the free will to do that.

From Mandy to You:

If you are living with your partner and sleeping together without being married. Please stop. This is not a judgement thing. It isn't good for you. You are making commitments with your body that your heart refuses to be honest about. You are playing games just because there are no current consequences. But there are much bigger eternal consequences you may be avoiding. Read God's Word, ask Him if He is pleased with your lifestyle choice and search the scripture multiple times to see what He says. (I say multiple times because from experience reading one or two still leaves room for your flesh to think what it wants)

If you are living in an abusive household with a spouse. Get out now! God does not want you staying there right now. He can heal and mend...and He does not want divorce for anyone...but you do not have to stay there right now. Getting out and taking a breather may give both of you time to hear what God needs to say. But remember the commitment you made to God when you married this person...they may be "sick" right now, but trust God to deal with them the way they need to be dealt with...but you should get out of the way for now and search your heart as well...even if it takes them a little while. They may not know what they need until they are alone a little while. Ask God what is best for you and your family. Search the scriptures and pray over your spouse. Pray for your heart to be open to what God wants you to do, and ask God how you can help your spouse. They need prayer too.

If you are in a relationship or friendship that has been hurt. Pray for your heart to be searched and ask for forgiveness if you have said or done something selfish. We all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness. Before you focus on someone's else sin, check yourself and pray over your sins and confess them, that way your heart is humble to hear the heart of the other person. Address each situation and each hurt with a understanding heart and talk over Gods Word and how He advises quarrels be handled. Ask for forgiveness from each other and pray together for God to lead you onward. (Then hug :)

If you are struggling with sin and it constantly rears it head. You have the power over sin as a follower of Jesus Christ. When Jesus hung on the cross I believe He saw every moment of struggle we face...and that's what kept Him going...that through His sacrifice we could make it through. Pray for God to help you stop your sin, but also realize He may not take it away...because facing it and fighting it may be the way you will grow and become stronger. So keep fighting. Keep scripture posted on your walls so that you are reminded of His Word and it becomes one with you. And if God leads you...tell a friend. Ask someone you trust to help keep you accountable...and seek professional help if needed. But whatever you do, always make time for God. Pray continuously until you are physically tired. Keep going. Jesus already paid for your sin, you are not going to hell if you are a child of God...because it's been paid...but through you praying and seeking God with a passion...He will get you through it and lead you to a place where it is behind you. It may try to come back...but the stronger you are and the more you know His Word...the better prepared you'll be and it won't stay as long. Also, remove any temptations from you. Anything that can make you want to sin...remove it and tell your accountability so they can remind you if the opportunity comes up. Make obeying God more important to you than your sin. And you'll see God laying the firm path beneath your feet so you can stand confidently.