Friday, February 6, 2015

Black and White

(Was going to be a Facebook Post)

Lord, everyone is in pain. Heal this land Lord. Bring us back to our first Love. Break us if you have to. Stop the bashing on Facebook. People are so unkind even to those You send to share Your Truth. Remove the enemies schemes in twisting writings on here. Help us not to make presumptions! Help the believer to be protected as they share your true Love in a world of temporary insanity.

In a world and social media full of negativity and "don't judge me"..."don't read my post if you don't like it"..."this is the way I am"..."unfriending"...blaspheming the name of God all in the name of freedom...

I am going to say READ MY STATUS...COMMENT WHAT YOU WANT...I don't live by your rules. I don't even live by my own!!! If it were up to me I'd stay in sin, stay mad, stay bitter, say what I feel to those who have hurt me, and tell people they are stupid and shake them until they get it.

But lo' and behold....I have died to self. Everything with "me" on it is DEAD. It died on the cross....years and years ago.

So while you're reading this status of mine...I do have freedom of speech according to the world. But I do not live by the world...I live by the WORD! And it says I don't, because I should not turn from God, I should not deny Him, I should not stay in sin, I should not be hating, I should not disrespect others just because I'm says I should forgive my brothers and sisters, it says to mind my own business so that my daily life may win the respect of my observers. It BLACK and WHITE...what I should do...there are NO GRAY AREAS with's follow or don't!

This is not about feelings...this isn't about judgement...this isn't about me...this is about God. He is here people...seeing our posts and reading our hearts...if we say we are believers in Him...our lives, attitudes and posts should reflect God more and's isn't immediate...but we can't walk a road without taking the first steps...those first steps might be not posting hateful things towards someone...not expressing hurts in hope of getting patted on the back..."likes" do not mean anyone actually cares about our eternity...people want to be "liked"...but God has unconditional LOVE if we pick up our crosses (the struggle of flesh and Spirit) and follow Him.

We should use this social network for His glory and not our pride!

(No person gets it right everyday...but moving forward and making changes is how we walk a little closer to heaven. Feel free to private message me if you want to talk more about what God has to stay in His Word. I won't be talking about perspectives or feelings or "special circumstances for not obeying Gods Word"...Gods Word is good and if you feel the need to defend the way you are doing something when the Word of God says something already know you're wrong. We hold onto sin and stroke it like the ring in Lord of the Rings...but just like the must be destroyed or it will destroy you. Many of the circumstances we face would be better if we tried the one thing we haven't yet...complete obedience, no exceptions.)