Crazy things have been happening since the beginning of time, Cain killed Able...sin as been there. My heart breaks for girls who are so hurt and lost that they make matters worse by hurting their image, their bodies and really their whole lives.
God can heal any scar, he can bring beauty to any mess. How I wish people would turn from their attempts to cover up their feelings. God created those feelings, He knows them well. And He is the one who wants us to run to Him dirty and messed up, because His desire is for our good and He is the only one who can really change things.
There is this rebellion that's toxic and spreads like a virus called pride. When we mess up, for some reason, a wave of emotions comes over us and we say "you know what I'm not going to let anyone judge me for this so I am going to tell them they can say what they want but I am going to be who I want to be and no one can say anything about it. This is who I am and I don't have to be ashamed"
While it's true we are who we are and we shouldn't be ashamed...things like this come up only after someone who loves us for us and loves us enough to want good for us and not harm says something to encourage and help. Often times the true enemy who we are wanting to stop judging us is ourselves. The weight of guilt for decisions we've made cannot be undone by pride....pride makes it worse...because then we further mess up our integrity and our witness. While we are really trying to stop hating our own selves we end up pushing away those who really care, and we then see love as judgment because love believes the best in people...not just in what we currently are. Sometimes we confuse love from others as hate....because we are so wrapped up in the emotions from the one person who hates us the most and is most difficult to forgive....ourselves.
Everyone has messed up in some way...I don't care how it compares to someone's there and we know it. But running from it, putting up walls, pushing away those who really care about our good, and being prideful is never ever going to give us relief.
I don't know what hurt caused this entertainer to be where she is today...and it doesn't matter because that's between her and God....but it's so sad that now along with the pain...her current image, and respect for herself and her body, and her life have been changed. God can heal anything...but the consequences of sin do not go away. People will remember this entertainers actions....not just because shes in the media's eyes...but because she is a person...a person with a face...a person with an image...a person with a body and a person wih a voice.
Don't let pain define others view of you. We all have pain, and we shouldn't hide it...but people don't remember the pain we went through...they remember how we handled it and how we talked about it. Our witness isn't just what God does in our's a lot more about what we do in our own.
Don't let the toxic virus take you over.